The petition on the gasholder on Change has allowed people to comment on why they have signed. We've fished out all these comments - and are quoting them below, without any names attached, but roughly grouped into subject areas.
- a bit of a warning - some are factually incorrect, particularly those which over estimate the amount of influence and control that the Council has had over the proposed demolition. There is at least one which I have no idea what the author is referring to and some others where the writer has made a mistake inn quoting faxts - although not so as to affect what they want to say.
Hope you enjoy them.
A Brexit in industrial history
Some people referred to their aesthetic appearance
"Many people think that gas holders are a blot on the landscape. However, in my opinion, they fail to see the unique beauty of the ornate guide frames of telescopic gas holders and the way their appearances change with alterations in light. They are great landmarks and were integral parts of city and townscapes in the past. Also, not to be forgotten, they are examples of remarkable engineering skill. Too may have gone and it would be unforgivable if the East Greenwich gas holder was to suffer the same fate."
"Our industrial history matters as much as prettier history, although it is actually very attractive"
"We need a mix of historic and modern buildings/structures to keep Greenwich interesting. The new sculpture by the flyover, the gas holder and the O2 make an interesting trio of shapes "
A work of art.
Gas holders are fantastic structures with huge potential. And they are part of our history..
It is an iconic structure and example. Much better to look at than the dome!
It's a beautiful piece of local history
It's an iconic piece of Greenwich skyline
Our city is becoming faceless. Surely our heritage is what makes our identity worth preserving?
"Such an example of our industrial heritage is inspirational for coming generations - when it's gone, it's gone, and we need it to stay and inspire!"
Fantastic opportunity to do something spectacular instead of bog standard steel and glass.
It is an iconic structure and part of our industrial history.
It’s beautiful
These are unique structures and should be preserved
Many people wanted it to be converted to other use and many referenced the recent flats built at Kings Cross
This is how it could be utilised rather than another piece of abstract history and heritage banished. Need I say more -
An iconic local structure could have a relevamt future as part of a housing development - as those gasholders along the Regents Canal have become.
This is a fine structure making a distinctive contribution to the skyscape locally, from the Thames, and from a wider area across London.. Its guide frame has potential for adaptive and sustainable re-use, as has been demonstrated successfully by the re-erected gasholder guide frames on the King's Cross Central regeneration site."
"There are good recent examples of gas holders repurposed to good effect. It's good to have variety in our buildings, especially when it supports local heritage to reflect the history of the area."
"The Gas Holder should be retained and repurposed as one of the last reminders of the Peninsula's industrial history. It would be tragic to lose it. The argument that the land is needed for building homes is rubbish - there are plenty of other development opportunities in the area, including the land-banked Morden Wharf."
"Gas holders provide brownfield regeneration opportunities and do not require removal or demolition. In Dublin, Bord Gais sold this as a listed building and it has provided a fabulous regeneration and landmark within the City. The protected gas holder frame and land provided 240 apartments and is a stunning development. It also provided diverse communal gardens, and because of its uniqueness, attracted, under the Barrow Street regeneration, jobs- this is where Google set up its European Headquarters Campus.In the past, Georgian Houses were demolished and we today are shocked, the Council should be mindful that employers seek something special for their sites and the public need to see more than high rise cubic buildings. This is a gem with huge potential."
This historical industrial heritage gas holder should be saved as it a link to the past for the Greenwich Peninsular. What the developer could do is incorporate the external industrial frame i.e. into flats similar to those seen in the new kings cross development. The developer shouldn’t just get away with building more samey blocks of residential flats as is currently happening.
Urban industrial landmarks should be saved. And this could be converted to another community use.
"it's a local landmark and should either be saved ""as is"" or something else built within the structure"
"Look at the way architects have incorporated gas holders into residential projects elsewhere in London. They are stunning, have true architectural quality that will withstand the test of time (or inevitable property price falls). Any developer would be crazy to miss the opportunity to work with an architect who could make something as beautiful here in Greenwich. I’d be first in line to buy an apartment like that - I would never in a million years buy any of the other new builds that are currently being thrown up in Greenwich. Please build something of true architectural (and financial) value, not just more safety deposit boxes for overseas buyers who will drop them like hot coal as soon as the market dips."
I am signing because I like to see surviving pieces of history in out cityscape. Put a roller skater rink in there (summer) and an ice rink in the winter. Make it useful. But don't destroy it!!!
"Keep it, do something with it, they have done so in other areas and those are now assets to those areas. Make it so."
"This is an important part of our local industrial heritage, as well as being an iconic symbol of East Greenwich and the peninsula. It should be saved and given an imaginative new lease of life."
"Gasometers are cool structures, that can be incorporated into the modern urban landscape, just look at the ones in Kings Cross."
"Greenwich wouldn’t be the same without it and such potential for a fun museum to change the boring new builds. Keep the soul of Greenwich,"
"Please keep the Gas Holder, it is part of our Heritage. make a leisure park around it, with seats and maybe a small lake, for everyone to enjoy. And community allotments for the Peninsula Residents. Please DO NOT Build HIGH RISE developments, to deprive us of what we need most. Clean Air and sunlight. When it was the Metro Gas Sports Ground, we can remember picking blackberries along Horn lane. Pleasant memories of our little bit of countryside."
"Quite apart from the gas holder's significance as part of our industrial heritage, take a look at the imaginative use of a former gas holder in Dublin - it's beautiful!"
"This important historic structure should be reused having a place in the development plans for the Greenwich Peninsula. All across the UK historic structures are being demolished, this gas holder is an important of the area's history and streetscape. Reuse models exist at King's Cross, perhaps those could be followed."
It is quite possible to incorporate a gas cylinder into a building scheme as shown in the Chelsea Lots Road development
It’s vital to keep a link with the past and not have everything knocked down. There are modern designs that can incorporate the gas holder.
Would be very sad to see this landmark and reminder of our industrial past go. Gasholder Appartments in Kings Cross show what amazing results can be achieved with a bit of imagination
Historic landmarks are part of local heritage and should be preserved. Reuse and recycle by incorporating it into a new building.
I believe the landmark frame plus the bell used to a height of say 30 ft could form a valuable space to complement events at the nearby O2. And use the same car park by mutual arrangement of non-coinciding dates
Due process should be followed and it has not.
Many commentators were concerned with the local area - East Greenwich
"This a fantastic landmark and a glimpse of the history of the area, which has otherwise almost completely changed in the past few years."
Because enough is enough. Stop destroying what is left of historic Greenwich. No more houses. Improve things for existing residents.
Greenwich is an unique combination of maritime and industrial history with modern landmarks such as the dome. Let’s retain the former to maintain what’s special about Greenwich.
Greenwich peninsula is an important part of our industrial heritage , the remaining parts must be preserved."
I want to see a better East Greenwich
It is important historically and retaining it in some adapted form will add to the architectural diversity of the peninsula.
The gasholder is beautiful & an important landmark in an area that has changed considerably in recent decades. If similar structures at King’s Cross can be re-used imaginatively so can this one.
This part of Greenwich is now unrecognizable. Leave the Gas Holder.
This wonderful industrial building is a part of the history of East Greenwich. It is an important landmark feature and should be saved.
My local gasometers just got pulled down - terrible cos they're beautiful
and people had concern about the future
I'm signing because historic buildings must be protected and uses found that maintain their presence in the neighbourhood for future generations. Additionally I cannot understand how Council officers approved the demolition which is contrary to approved Council policy.
We will regret it in the future - like we always do - why can't we learn to hold on to our precious past?
Let's not destroy all of our heritage. Keep something for us to remember our past. And create some diversity in the otherwise dangerously dull and dreary tower blocks
I want to see the survival of this historical artefact for the benefit of future generations. It is an important landmark. Do not obliterate history!
I'm signing because the destruction of this historic monument removes a link with the past which can never be restored and is in danger otherwise of being forgotten.
Important industrial history monument should be saved for posterity.
The gas holder is part of our heritage and we can make it something new to take into our future
Many are concerned about heritage
This proposal is part of a nationwide calculated destitution of British industrial heritage and resources. This vandalism must be stopped.
"Because its part of the History Of the area & is the ONLY remaining artifact to show the scale of what once was the coke/gasworks that once dominated this vast area ! There were two, but the IRA destroyed the other ! Will IRA be invited back should this remaining one become unwanted ?"
We must keep examples of all our history. Gasometers were a big part of life and the skyline until not so long ago. They tell a story. And this is a particularly fine example.
This is part of Greenwich history and should be preserved.
"Crucial to save this historical structure, (and against the lack of accountability, again, by Greenwich Council)."
"It is a significant part of Greenwich's industrial heritage and a great structure in its own right. The Peninsular is being developed, but that should not mean resetting the clock to Year Zero."
Stop destroying our heritage!! Soon all of our heritage sites will be just bland concrete!
The demolition of this gasholder would result in the removal of a structure of great historical interest which should be preserved just like any other historic building.
This is a very visible link with the historic past of Greenwich Peninsula and should be preserved as part of innovative design such as been achieved in places such as Kings Cross and even Berlin.The borough should stand up for its own policies and see the boroughs inheritance as important and worth encouraging developers to use it positively.
Too much of our history is being lost!
The industrial heritage of gas works is an important part of this countries history
Greenwich Council need to stop behaving like such total hypocrits & prove they do actually respect our local heritage & history by reversing this travesty and preserving the gas holder
We must preserve this important part of our local history.
I'm signing because they are a part of our heritage and are fast disappearing.
It is all that is left of the history of East Greenwich/North Greenwich. Wipe history away at your peril (our peril) How could you even consider replacing it with more tower blocks?
"Many other such gas holders around the country have been preserved in one form or another with less historic significance and importance as the surviving Gas Holder construction on Greenwich Marsh. Greenwich Gas Holder brief history:-Built between 1881 and 1886, at the time the Gas Holders were the largest of their kind in the world. The first, Number 1, built in 1886 and of 8,600,000 cubic feet (240,000 m3) was the world's first 'four lift' (moving section) holder. The second, Number 2, with six lifts containing 12,200,000 cubic feet (350,000 m3), was reduced to 8,900,000 cubic feet (250,000 m3) when it was damaged in the Silvertown explosion in 1917. The gas in Gas Holder was ignited and it was wrecked completely. Number one Gas Holder was also very seriously damaged. This caused a massive fireball, which rose thousands of feet into the air. Although Number 2 was reduced in size it was still the largest in England until it was damaged again by a Provisional Irish Republican Army bomb in 1978. The site its"
"This gasholder is a masterpiece from the gas-engineer Sir George Thomas Livesey, built in 1889. The construction of the guide frame is unique and a milestone in the development of the guide-frame in the 19th century. Thus this gasholder was a significant example in my dissertation "Der Gasbehälter als Bautypus" (eng.: The gasholder as a buidling type)."
They seem to be hell bent on removing every last bit of our history! I wonder why...Gas Holders have a history we need to recognize and not lose forever
very important part of our heritage
"This gasholder is historically of great interest and to demolish it would be the act of philistines. Please preserve it, as other councils are doing."
and had concerns on industrial hstory
"An icon of the Industrial revolution. Once it's gone, it's gone!!"
"As unique as any Pictish souterrain, becoming rarer than early saxon burial mounds. One of a few diminishing testaments to our Victorian industrial heritage. Give history some respect. It gives a place a sense of enhanced community and really good development requires that context rather than newness piled upon newness. Without context, like so many 1960's developments, the alternative massed developments will be demolished as shabby failures in 30 years time as plain ugly."
"Gasholders, a magnificant part of our industrial and visual history."
"George Livesey’s fine gas holders are major works of industrial engineering, of national significance. The loss of this structure would rob the Greenwich Peninsula of its most important and recognisable marker of its history and industrial archaeology. It must be saved!"
"We have to celebrate our industrial history, even if its ugly!"
As an historic borough I believe that Greenwich should retain such an iconic landmark for future generations.
Every industrial monument is for itself a fairytale setting that captivates people and therefore worthy of protection.
Greenwich has a rich industrial heritage and we will be culturally poorer if we tear it all down. It can co-exist with the necessary improvements to the area
Historical monument to the industrial past
History is important
Industrial heritage is important.
The gas holder is an important part of Greenwich heritage from the time when 'gas' was king.
These are part of our history in Greenwich- keep them and embrace diversity in building structures.
These holders represent an important development in structural engineering and also are a handsome part of the Cityscape.
This is a valuable part of our industrial history.
This is an important part of Greenwich's industrial heritage
Industrial history is so important in Britains development and needs to be part of the landscape. There is room for modern and ancient and everything inbetween.
and the holder as an icon
This is an important part of the Industrial heritage of East Greenwich and an icon of the local area.
"This structure is iconic, recognizable the world over, and an important part of industrial heritage. It deserves to be saved, and to be protected against future threats."
which identifies the area
This unique structure helps define the area's identity.
and people are aware of conversions elsewhere
"It's an iconic gas holder and an important part of the area's history, not only to Greenwich but also as a landmark viewable from the north side of the Thames as well. As gas holders, including historically interesting ones, are torn down all over London surely we can do for Jumbo as King's Cross did for their gas holders and recognise the value these striking structures hold."
The Gas Holder should be creatively incorporated into a new development not demolished. This has been done effectively in Kings Cross - so why not south of the river? It is iconic and a landmark in the Peninsular.
and its role as a landmark
It is a historic landmark for Greenwich
I am signing because it is the last vestige of the industrial heritage of Greenwich and must be preserved at all cost as a landmark for future generations.
"As the Official Monster Raving Loony Party candidate in Blackheath Westcombe Ward in the local elections in the Borough of Greenwich, I oppose the demolition of this historical landmark."
"It would be a crime to destroy this beautiful iconic landmark. It seems it has failed to be listed by accident or carelessness. The peninsula has precious little remaining to remind us of its heritage, and the retention of the gas holder was always intended."
"The industrial history of the riverside is being steadily erased, to be replaced by walls of glass. The retention and reuse of the gasholders at Kings Cross shows what can be done with some imagination and wit (qualities sadly missing from the development community by and large). RGB Greenwich have commendably acted, recently, to safeguard other industrial monuments downriver at Charlton - it would be tragic to overlook this magnificent and singular landmark at Greenwich."
An iconic landmark which should be preserved as a part of the heritage of East Greenwich.
Industrial heritage is important - this is a landmark.
It's a crucial part of the whole history of Greenwich - and London - visible to all arriving in Greenwich by river. Greenwich - palaces AND power stations!
It's a great link to our last and visually it stands out and should remain.
This is a local landmark. There are many creative ways to use this as housing.
This is an important historic landmark and should be saved.
This is an important landmark and it's destruction would be a significant loss to Greenwich's Industrial Heritage and be seen a serious failure of judgement on the part of the Council in years to come.
This is an important Landmark in an area without much character
It’s an important landmark and holds history of the area .
This is an iconic piece of our industrial heritage apart from being a local landmark.
It is of historic importance but also could be used in a creative and landmark manner in the future
let Greenwich become another Battersea... well perhaps... ;
A great local icon and landmark its possible replacement would be less worth, guaranteed!"
It is a landmark and if we lose our landmarks we lose our way not only physically but also socially and historically.
"How many children know the Gas Holder is linked to the tiny row of gas homes beside the Pilot Inn. This gas holder adds a sense of perspective and interest to an otherwise soulless new build area, where we will lose awareness of our rich industrial heritage. Knock down another bland tower block instead!"
and people refer to their own local memories
"I have lived in Greenwich for 40 yearsand whilst so much has changed, Jumbo has always been here and should remain as a reminder of our history"
"I pass this everyday on my way to work. I've lived here for 7 years and Gas Frame No 1 is still one of my favourite parts about the peninsula. It embodies historical engineering and it's one of the only surviving pieces of architecture after the Blitz on the peninsula. Destroying it means we're destroying another piece of our community. The best parts of London are the ones that cherish the historical landmarks and design new buildings that live in harmony with these structures. Let's work together, and create something that doesn't throw out the old in order to bring in the new."
"i'm sick of there being nothing left our historic past i have grown up with this there on my travels to my nans as a kid she may not be here anymore but it is nice to see this, it brings back childhood memories, leave it where it is ,, stop trashing our borough with these horrible new builds"
Enough of Greenwich memories are going let’s stop this from happening
I grew up in Greenwich and these were an iconic site
I’ve walked past this monument to my grandparents and great grand parents every day. It must stay. It. Must. Stay!
My dad worked at that has works myself and siblings were brought up knowing that was were our dad worked for many many years so it was like home from home for me anyway
My father worked there but mainly it helps to balance the plethora of high rise buildings across the river.
These are familiar sights that are disapearing from our heritage when we were independant of fuel from around the world. To some they maybe an eyesore but to many others they are the first sign of home !
"One of the few remaining reminders of Old Greenwich in this area, please save it!"
Greenwich is jammed with recent high-rise residential developments; its unique character has become lost in a sea of bland buildings, increasingly blocking-out the skyline. I am in favour of retaining the famous gas-holder at East Greenwich and in retaining some of the character of a great historical and industrial area."
So much here on the Peninsula is changing ... The Gas Holder is a beautiful reminder of our history and so needs to remain for future generations to learn from ... if this goes most of the peninsula will be square angular blocks of same-ness
"Had family that worked at the Greenwich Gas works,such a small thing to keep to local history alive."
We're losing so much and gaining little. Leave it alone Greenwich
and a need for 'place making'
How many 'places' are there on the peninsular - it's an opportunity to place make & retain heritage.
As examples of this already uncommon building type get rarer so they endow their surroundings with an even greater feeling of place.
It's an amazing structure