It was with a great deal of excitement that I found recently, while looking under ‘Erith’ on the internet a ship, a real ship, built on the site of the Dome.
So, Bulli lies at the northern end of West Cove in the Bass Strait in 16 metres of water. She is said to be remarkably intact and stands 5 meters off the shore. Her bow has collapsed but two thirds of her hull is intact up to the upper deck. Her bridge and engine room are still there, as are the rudder and the stern. She is seen as a specialist site for leisure diving.
I think this is a very exciting find. I know of no other Peninsula built boats - other than sailing barge Orinoco - which are still with us. Other short articles on Bulli should appear soon in Bygone Kent and the new GLIAS Newsletter - what I really need is more information. I have a had great deal of help already and would like to thank Mike Nash in Tasmania who has been more than helpful - and Chris Grabhame who has been trying to ‘grab’ images across the air waves and David McGeorge and Pat O’Driscoll who have both tried very hard to get more details out of the archives. So far no luck - but we will keep on trying.
Mary Mills
This article first appeared in the October 1999 edition of the GIHS Newsletter